Get 8-10% Conversion Rates From Your Best Performing Blog Posts

Build Your List Faster

This recipe walks you through setting up either content upgrades or content-specific opt-ins that will convert more traffic from search into new subscribers.

Setup time: 20-30 minutes

Step 1: Find out what content gets the most ongoing traffic

Using either Google Search Console or your analytics tool of choice, you're going to want to isolate your 3-4 best performing pages from search.

These should be articles or blog posts – skip over things like your homepage, pricing page, etc. if they're at the top of the list.

To do this in Search Console, login to your property, click "Performance", and then click the "Pages" tab. This will show you the number of monthly clicks you get from search that lead to specific pages on your website.

In the above example, I'm going to focus on these three pages:

  • Guide To Writing Client Emails (~16k visitors a month)
  • Guide To Client Retainer Agreements (~4k visitors a month)
  • How To Get New Clients With Facebook Ads (~3k visitors a month)

These articles represent the lion share of my monthly search traffic.

Step 2: Create a segment group for your these key pages

In the CTA Funnel you're using to target anonymous visitors, you're probably doing some sort of surveying to find out who someone is and what they need from you, and then you're pitching them either on a specific lead magnet or your email newsletter.

For these key articles, let's axe that.

We're just going to pitch an opt-in, and when we pitch it it'll relate to the article they're reading.

So, for example, anonymous visitors reading my "Guide To Writing Client Emails" will see this newsletter opt-in that's phrased in such a way to make it all about getting clients:

First, you're going to setup a new Segment Group for your key pages.

In RightMessage, head over to Manage -> Segmentation & questions and create a new group called "Content Upgrade Pages"

Next, create a segment for the key pages you've identified, and setup auto-segmentation for each.

The auto-segment rule you'll want to create for each of your segments is that if the current page equals the URL of the key page as the current page:

Step 3: Have anonymous visitors see contextual opt-ins when reading your key pages

With your segmentation now in place, go into the CTA Funnel you've setup that handles anonymous traffic, and right after you determine whether a visitor is a subscriber or not, you're going to create a "Split by segments" decision node.

This will create paths for each content page you've setup a segment for, and the fallback (a page view that's not on one of these key pages) will route visitors to your usual top-of-funnel CTAs, like a quiz funnel.

Under each key page, you're going to create a new offer.

To keep it simple, we're going to pitch the same newsletter to all anonymous visitors, but if you happen to be reading one of these pages how we describe the newsletter will change to focus on how joining the newsletter will help you accomplish what this article promises and more.

Ask yourself:

If I were reading this article...

And I were really enjoying it...

What would be the most compelling thing that you could give someone in exchange for an email address?

Nothing beats a Content Upgrade, or a downloadable (like a checklist, PDF worksheet, etc.) that relates directly to your article.

For example, I could create a "Advertising on Facebook" checklist and, using RightMessage, stick it on my Facebook advertising article as the offer. According to Brian Dean of Backlinko, content upgrades often convert 10-20% (or more) visitors!

If you have a content upgrade for each of your key pieces of content, then you could use what I've covered so far to get these into the hands of your readers. Just create offers that apply the right form or tag, and then in your email marketing app send the download when that form/tag is applied.

But what if you don't have a content upgrade? The next best thing is to position (or describe) your standard opt-in lead magnet – like an email course or even just your newsletter – in a way that fits nicely with whatever they're reading.

I'm getting 8-10% of anonymous visitors joining my newsletter (!!!) on these key pages. I could do better if I created content upgrade downloads for each article, but I haven't had the time to do that yet.

Step 4: Use our WordPress shortcode to place your content-specific offer throughout each article

Don't be afraid to pitch, pitch, and pitch your opt-in throughout your key pages.

You most likely already have RightMessage setup to push your content-specific offer into a sticky bar, exit popup, toaster popup, and more.

This is super easy to do by just enabling each of the widgets you want to use to display your offers:

But you can use an embedded CTA to include content-specific offers throughout your blog post.

If you're using our WordPress plugin, simply add [rm_area name="WIDGET_NAME"] a few times throughout each key article. I like to have one close to the top of the article (after the first "a-ha!" moment), and then – depending on the length of the content – one or two more.

This recipe takes a few minutes to fully implement, but once it's set up you can rest assured knowing that your best content is working even harder for you.