Grow your list and improve your sales with RightMessage and Mailchimp working as one.

Get your website and Mailchimp working hand-in-hand to always show the right offer to the right visitor.

  • Map out the perfect anonymous visitor to Mailchimp subscriber journey.

    Simply map out who should be offered what and when, and we'll do the rest. When you create CTA widgets (like popups, inline forms, sticky bars, and more), RightMessage will generate personalized offers on the fly and place them into the CTAs you've setup.

  • Ask the 'Right Questions', pitch the 'Perfect offer'.

    Track behaviors or ask questions and segment your visitors before you know who they are. Then, use our conversion-optimized CTA widgets to display personalized offers across your website. Or, tweak anything on your website: headlines, testimonials, images, CTA buttons, etc. using our site editor.

  • Sync your website to your email marketing in Mailchimp.

    RightMessage doesn't help you just generate leads. It also knows when your leads (or customers, or those on a trial, or ...) are back on your site. We fetch your contact data from Mailchimp in real-time and send new data back just as quickly to create one unified journey between Mailchimp and your site.

Most popular ways to use RightMessage with Mailchimp

Change offers based on Mailchimp lists, tags or custom field data

Show the right offer to each subscriber based on any data you have in your Mailchimp account.

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Automatically segment your visitors before they subscribe to your Mailchimp list

Track their on-site behaviors, where they came from and/or by any questions you want to ask them.

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Never ask for a subscribers email address more than once EVER again.

If they're already on your list, don't show them another opt-in form. 'Nuff said!

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Grow your list and improve your sales with RightMessage and Mailchimp working as one.

Get your website and Mailchimp working hand-in-hand to always show the right offer to the right visitor.

Brian Clark

"Web personalization is the “next big thing” that will quickly become the expected norm -- so get the jump on your competition."

Brian Clark - Copyblogger