A Better Alternative to Building Custom 'Thank You' and 'Confirmation' Pages

User Experience
operational improvement

With this recipe, you'll add a simple query parameter to the redirect URL after a form on your site is submitted which will be used to trigger a 'thank you' message to your visitors.

Setup time: 5-10 minutes

Step 1: Add a query string to the end of your redirect URL in your ESP

For most companies today, the #1 job of their website is to bring an anonymous visitor to the top of the funnel. Most often, this means getting the visitor to submit a form and become a subscriber. Once they've done that, it's time for email marketing to do its job and move them further down the funnel.

But, what about that critical moment in between completing the form and receiving their first email? Are you sending your newly minted subscriber to some generic thank you page? Or, even worse, are you leaving them to wonder what they should be doing next?

This recipe is designed to fix that.

In this first step, we're going to set up a redirect that will simply reload the page that they are currently on when they submit the form, but we're going to add a query string to the end of the URL.

For example, if the URL was www.website.com/blog/blogpost, the URL we would use for the redirect would look something like, www.website.com/blog/blogpost?guide=true.

Note: Where this redirect URL is entered will vary depending on the form tool that you're using.

Step 2: Create a funnel that is based on your query parameter being present in the redirect URL

You're going to create a new CTA Funnel in RightMessage.

This funnel is only going to trigger when the query parameter you've created is included in the URL that you've used in your redirect.

To set this up, we'll want to start your funnel by using a split by yes/no condition.

Next, you'll want to choose the custom query parameters from the drop-down menu.

Lastly, you'll enter the values of the query parameter. Using ?guide=true as our example, you'd enter guide for the parameter name, on current page for the instance, equals for the condition and true for the value (as shown in the image below).

Once that's done, hit save.

Step 3: Create a personalized 'thank you' or 'confirmation' message that keeps them engaged

Now we're going to create a thank you/confirmation message that appears only for visitors that have been redirected to the URL that contains the query parameter.

The first thing we'll want to do is set the no path to exit funnel here.

For the yes path, we'll want to pitch an offer.

It's now time to create your thank you/confirmation message!

Use the editor to create your message and call-to-action. We'll be choosing how we want to this to display next, but it's something you'll want to consider as you're writing your copy. For example, if you'll be using a top-bar widget only the headline and button will appear and you may want to keep your characters to a minimum.

BONUS: If you want to make your messaging more personalized for each visitor, you can highlight the words you'd like to dynamically change and click personalize.

Once you click this option, you'll have the opportunity to personalize the default copy you've highlighted with different wording for each segment within any segment group you choose.

After you're done creating your thank you/confirmation message, hit save.

Step 4: Choose how you want your message to appear to visitors

In this last step, we're going to be choosing which widget we'd like to use to display our thank you/confirmation message to our visitors.

To begin, we're going to click on the option under widgets (right-hand side of page), show this CTA on your site.

You'll be presented with 5 widget options to choose from:

  1. Bar
  2. Toaster
  3. Embedded
  4. Full-screen Takeover
  5. Popup

Pick the option that best suits your needs, give it a name and hit Add.

Stylize the widget as you see fit and after you're done be sure to hit save.

BONUS: If you'd like to style your widget beyond what's available within our editor, we've created this helpful guide to walk you through customizing the design with CSS.

The only thing left to do now is hit Publish to site!

Boom! 🙌